Use two separate domains for them. Make the userids be "uuid@domainid" to be able distinguish one from the other.

On 01/27/2014 04:27 PM, Simon Perfer wrote:
I'm looking to create a simple Identity driver that will look at usernames. A small number of specific users should be authenticated by looking at a hard-coded password in keystone.conf, while any other users should fall back to LDAP authentication.

I based my original driver on what's found here:

As can be seen in the github code (, there's a _check_password() method which is supposedly called at some point.

I've based my driver on this file, and created an Identity class which subclasses sql.Identity. Here's what I have so far:

CONF = config.CONF

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) Roles should also be scopeed-able

class Identity(sql.Identity):

    def __init__(self):

        super(Identity, self).__init__()

        LOG.debug('My authentication module loaded')

    def _check_password(self, password, user_ref):

        LOG.debug('Authenticating via my custom hybrid authentication')

        username = user_ref.get('name')

        LOG.debug('Username = %s' % username)

I can see from the syslog output that we never enter the _check_password() function.

Can someone point me in the right direction regarding which function calls the identity driver? Also, what is the entry function in the identity drivers? Why wouldn't check_password() be called, as we see in the github / blog example above?


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