Hi, folks!

Today Climate has been released first time and I'm really glad to say that

This release implements following use cases:

   - User wants to reserve virtual machine and use it later. He/she asks
   Nova to create server, passing special hints, describing information like
   lease start and end time. In this case instance will be not just booted,
   but also shelved not to use cloud resources when it's not needed. At the
   time user passed as 'lease start time' instance will be unshelled and used
   as user wants to. User may define different actions that might happen to
   instance at lease end - like snapshoting or/and suspending or/and removal.
   - User wants to reserve compute capacity of whole compute host to use it
   later. In this case he/she asks Climate to provide host with passed
   characteristics from predefined pool of hosts (that is managed by admin
   user). If this request might be processed, user will have the opportunity
   run his/her instances on reserved host when lease starts.

Here are our release notes:

Other useful links:

   - Climate Wiki <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Climate>
   - Climate Launchpad <https://launchpad.net/climate>
   - Future plans for 0.2.x <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/climate-0.2>

Thanks all team who worked on Climate 0.1.0 and everybody who helped us!

Best regards,

Dina Belova

Software Engineer

Mirantis Inc.
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