Kyle Mestery wrote: 

>So, in general I don't think this will fly because it's my understanding the
>OpenStack servers only test fully open source code. Allowing a third party
>vendor system to run on the OpenStack servers as part of any functional
>testing would open an entirely new can of worms here. I would suggest
>asking this question on #openstack-infra as well for clarity since I don't see
>a response on the mailing list yet.

How does the current testing work with any of the hardware drivers?
I just read Jay Pipe's excellent blog post [1] on the general setup and
function of the CI system, but it only explained the software parts.

I could not extrapolate from the article anything about how it works
In the context of Neutron drivers that are supposed to configure
physical networking hardware or even software components
such as Nicira's or PlugGrid's gateways.


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