On 02/09/2014 12:56 PM, Kyle Mestery wrote:
> On Feb 6, 2014, at 5:24 PM, Vinay Bannai <vban...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Folks, 
>> We are running into a situation where we are not able to create multiple 
>> provider networks with the same VLAN id. We would like to propose a solution 
>> to remove this restriction through a configuration option. This approach 
>> would not conflict with the present behavior where it is not possible to 
>> create multiple provider networks with the same VLAN id. 
>> The changes should be minimal and would like to propose it for the next 
>> summit. The use case for this need is documented in the blueprint 
>> specification. 
>> Any feedback or comments are welcome. 
>> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/duplicate-providernet-vlans
> Hi Vinay:
> This problem seems straightforward enough, though currently you are right
> in that we don’t allow multiple Neutron networks to have the same segmentation
> ID. I’ve added myself as approver for this BP and look forward to further
> discussions of this before and during the upcoming Summit!

Multiple networks with network_type of 'vlan' are already allowed to
have the same segmentation ID with the ml2, openvswitch, or linuxbridge
plugins - the networks just need to have different physical_network
names. If they have the same network_type, physical_network, and
segmentation_id, they are the same network. What else would distinguish
them from each other?

Could your use case be addressed by simply using different
physical_network names for each rack? This would provide independent
spaces of segmentation_ids for each.


> Thanks!
> Kyle
>> Thanks
>> -- 
>> Vinay Bannai
>> Email: vban...@gmail.com
>> Google Voice: 415 938 7576
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