Hi Xuhan,

Thank you for your summary. see comments inline.


On 2/27/14 12:49 AM, "Xuhan Peng" 
<pengxu...@gmail.com<mailto:pengxu...@gmail.com>> wrote:

As the follow up action of IPv6 sub-team meeting [1], I created a new blueprint 
[2] to store both IPv6 LLA and GUA address on router interface port.

Here is what it's about:

Based on the two modes (ipv6-ra-mode and ipv6-address-mode) design[3], RA can 
be sent from both openstack controlled dnsmasq or existing devices.

RA From dnsmasq: gateway ip that dnsmasq binds into should be link local 
address (LLA) according to [4]. This means we need to pass the LLA of the 
created router internal port (i.e. qr-xxxx) to dnsmasq spawned by openstack 
dhcp agent. In the mean while, we need to assign an GUA to the created router 
port so that the traffic from external network can be routed back using the GUA 
of the router port as the next hop into the internal subnet. Therefore, we will 
need some change to the current logic to leverage both LLA and GUA on router 

[Robert]: in this case, a LLA address is automatically created based on the 
gateway port's MAC address (EUI64 format). If it's determined that the gateway 
port is enabled with IPv6 (due to the two modes), then an RA rule can be 
installed based on the gateway port's automatic LLA.
if a service VM is running on the same subnet that supports IPv6 (either by RA 
or DHCPv6), then the service VM is attached to a neutron port on the same 
subnet (the gateway port). In this case, the automatic LLA on that port can be 
used to install the RA Rule. This is actually the same as in the dnsmasq case: 
use the gateway port's automatic LLA.

RA from existing device on the same link which is not controlled by openstack: 
dnsmasq will not send RA in this case. RA is sending from subnet's gateway 
address which should also be LLA according to [4]. Allowing subnet's gateway IP 
to be LLA is enough in this case. Current code works when 
force_gateway_on_subnet = False.

if it's a provider network, the gateway already exists. I believe that the 
behavior of the —gateway option in the subnet API is to indicate the gateway's 
true IP address and install default route. In the IPv6 case, however, due to 
the existence of RA, the gateway doesn't have to be provided. In this case, a 
neutron gateway port doesn't have to be created, either. Installing a RA rule 
to prevent RA from malicious source should be done explicitly. A couple of 
methods may be considered. For example, an option such as —alow-ra <LLA> can be 
introduced in the subnet API, or the security group rule can be enhanced to 
allow specification of message type so that a RA rule can be incorporated.

In any case, I don't believe that the gateway behavior should be modified. In 
addition, I don't think that this functionality (IPv6 RA rule) has to be 
provided right now, but can be introduced when it's completely sorted out.

The above is just my two cents.


RA from router gateway port (i.e. qg-xxxx):  the LLA of the gateway port 
(qg-xxxx) should be set as the gateway of tenant subnet to get the RA from 
that. This could be potentially calculated by [5] or by other methods in the 
future considering privacy extension. However, this will make the tenant 
network gateway port qr-xxxx useless. Therefore, we also need code change to 
current router interface attach logic.

If you have any comments on this, please let me know.

[2] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/ipv6-lla-gua-router-interface
[3] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/ipv6-two-attributes
[4] http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4861
[5] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/56184/
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