
I've been working with OpenStack for a while now but I'm still a bit fuzzy on the precise meaning of some of the terminology.

It seems reasonably clear that a "node" is a computer running at least one component of an Openstack system.

However, "nova service-list" talks about the "host" that a given service runs on. Shouldn't that be "node"? Normally "host" is used to distinguish from "guest", but that doesn't really make sense for a dedicated controller node.

"nova show" reports "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host" and "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname" for an instance. What is the distinction between the two and how do they relate to OpenStack "nodes" or the "host" names in "nova service-list"?

"nova hypervisor-list" uses the term "hypervisor hostname", but "nova hypervisor-stats" talks about "compute nodes". Is this distinction accurate or should they both use the hypervisor terminology? What is the distinction between hypervisor/host/node?

"nova host-list" reports "host_name", but seems to include all services. Does "host_name" correspond to host, hypervisor_host, or node? And just to make things interesting, the other "nova host-*" commands only work on compute hosts, so maybe "nova host-list" should only output info for systems running nova-compute?


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