On 03/03/2014 04:25 PM, Vishvananda Ishaya wrote:
> This seems like a reasonable and well thought out approach but It
> feels like we are removing our ability to innovate.

I think part of this exercise is trying to think through what freedom
we *would* have to innovate in v2 with a set of changes to code an
policy.  That's what most of the proposal is about.  If we still don't
have the freedom we need, that's a problem and is what we need to
figure out before this s final.

Are there particular cases that you feel are missing in a v2 world
described by the proposal?

> I’m worried that this is just delaying solving the inconsistency
> issues to some future date.

It depends which consistency issues you're talking about.  Many of
them I think we can fix today.  Others the argument being made is that
they just aren't nearly important enough to fix yet unless they're
coming with a completely new API.

Which inconsistencies are you concerned about in particular?  What did
we miss in the proposal or which part specifically do you disagree with?

Russell Bryant

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