On Tue, 4 Mar 2014 11:29:27 -0600
Anne Gentle <a...@openstack.org> wrote:
> I still sense that the struggle with Compute v3 is the lack of
> documentation for contributor developers but also especially end
> users so that we could get feedback early and often.
> My original understanding, passed by word-of-mouth, was that the goal
> for v3 was to define an expanded core that nearly all deployers could
> confidently put into production to serve their users needs. 

So I think in practice the reverse has occurred and the core has got
smaller. I think that's perhaps the nature of attempting to get
consensus - its far easier to get agreement that something should be
optional than get agreement that everyone should support it.

I believe that we really need a debate around this because as others
have mentioned it directly impacts interoperability between openstack
deployments for users. But we should keep this debate separate from the
v2/v3 one :-)


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