Hi, all

this SRIOV common support bp link: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/pci-extra-info

after a long discuss, SRIOV design choice discuss is done and reach a agreement. i want to rewrite this blueprints, maybe use diagram to present it clear. i hope that will be done in one week or a little bit longer. then i can introduce
this to nova meeting before the design summit.

all SRIOV work might partition to 3 task:
* the common SRIOV support in nova    ( which this blue prints will focus)
* Nova side nic , vif , interface to common PCI.
* different MD drivers and other in the neutron.

this blue prints is intend to support common SRIOV in nova side, not only for neutron. all formal design decision about SRIOV should be in this blue prints. other details information in the meeting, or in the dev mail list is reference
for who had interest.

so i will focus on this blue prints, i really want you guy check this bp to make sure it's the right things we had agreed( i think so) before and after new bp is done. i will update you when i finished it.

meeting link:  https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Passthrough

Yongli He

OpenStack-dev mailing list

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