Hi Fang,

Gantt subteam owns weekly meetings every Tuesdays 1500 UTC at #openstack-meeting IRC channel, where we discuss about the steps for forklifting Nova scheduler into a separate service. As there is now FeatureFreeze period, there are no patches targeted to be merged before next Juno summit, but there is opportunity for discussing anyway.


Le 05/03/2014 15:59, ?? a écrit :
I'm Fang Zhen, an M.S student from China. My current research work is on scheduling policy on cloud computing. I have been following the openstack for about 2 years.I always thought of picking a blueprint and implementing it with the community's guidance.Luckily, open-stack participates GSOC this year and is is impossible for me to implement "Cross-services Scheduler" of Openstack-Gantt project.And also, I'm sure that I can continue to help to openstack after GSOC.

About me:
I'm a M.S student from XiDian University. I'm good at c and python programming and I'm familiar with git, python development.I have participated in developing several web server with python web framework and implentmented some python scripts to use openstack.I have read the docs and papers about the the project and the guide.md <http://guide.md> of openstack development. But as a newbie to OpenStack dev, it would be very great if somebody could give me some guidance on staring with the project;)

Thanks and Regards,
GitHub : https://github.com/fz1989

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