Hey Sean,
The number one item that came out of the Operator's mini summit on Monday
was better mechanisms to engage Operators in the design and review
process.  Moving Blueprints to Gerrit was something discussed quite a bit.
 It's fantastic to hear the same thing is coming from the Nova development
side as well.

It also allows for Operators to get some credit for participating within
the community.  I can's speak for all, but I can say that based on the
discussion in the room there is good support for this from those of us
that have to run OpenStack on a daily basis.  Please let me know how we
can help move this change along.


On 3/6/14 12:05 PM, "Sean Dague" <s...@dague.net> wrote:

>One of the issues that the Nova team has definitely hit is Blueprint
>overload. At some point there were over 150 blueprints. Many of them
>were a single sentence.
>The results of this have been that design review today is typically not
>happening on Blueprint approval, but is instead happening once the code
>shows up in the code review. So -1s and -2s on code review are a mix of
>design and code review. A big part of which is that design was never in
>any way sufficiently reviewed before the code started.
>In today's Nova meeting a new thought occurred. We already have Gerrit
>which is good for reviewing things. It gives you detailed commenting
>abilities, voting, and history. Instead of attempting (and usually
>failing) on doing blueprint review in launchpad (or launchpad + an
>etherpad, or launchpad + a wiki page) we could do something like follows:
>1. create bad blueprint
>2. create gerrit review with detailed proposal on the blueprint
>3. iterate in gerrit working towards blueprint approval
>4. once approved copy back the approved text into the blueprint (which
>should now be sufficiently detailed)
>Basically blueprints would get design review, and we'd be pretty sure we
>liked the approach before the blueprint is approved. This would
>hopefully reduce the late design review in the code reviews that's
>happening a lot now.
>There are plenty of niggly details that would be need to be worked out
> * what's the basic text / template format of the design to be reviewed
>(probably want a base template for folks to just keep things consistent).
> * is this happening in the nova tree (somewhere in docs/ - NEP (Nova
>Enhancement Proposals), or is it happening in a separate gerrit tree.
> * are there timelines for blueprint approval in a cycle? after which
>point, we don't review any new items.
>Anyway, plenty of details to be sorted. However we should figure out if
>the big idea has support before we sort out the details on this one.
>Launchpad blueprints will still be used for tracking once things are
>approved, but this will give us a standard way to iterate on that
>content and get to agreement on approach.
>       -Sean
>Sean Dague
>Samsung Research America
>s...@dague.net / sean.da...@samsung.com

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