Thanks Chris.

Sounds like you're saying building out the apache element may be a sensible
next step?



We don't have a strong attachment to stunnel though, I quickly dropped it in 
front of our CI/CD undercloud and Rob wrote the element so we could repeat the 

In the fullness of time I would expect there to exist elements for several SSL 
terminators, but we shouldn't necessarily stick with stunnel because it 
happened to be the one I was most familiar with :)

I would think that an httpd would be a good option to go with as the default, 
because I tend to think that we'll need an httpd running/managing the python 
code by default.

Chris Jones

On 26 Mar 2014, at 13:49, stuart.mclaren at wrote:

Just spotted the openstack-ssl element which uses 'stunnel'...

On Wed, 26 Mar 2014, stuart.mclaren at wrote:


I know there's a preference for using a proxy to terminate
SSL connections rather than using the native python code.

There's a good write up of configuring the various proxies here:

If we're not using native python SSL termination in TripleO we'll
need to pick which one of these would be a reasonable choice for
initial https support.

Pound may be a good choice -- its lightweight (6,000 lines of C),
easy to configure and gives good control over the SSL connections (ciphers etc).
Plus, we've experience with pushing large (GB) requests through it.

I'm interested if others have a strong preference for one of the other
options (stud, nginx, apache) and if so, what are the reasons you feel it
would make a better choice for a first implementation.



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