On 03/28/2014 05:01 AM, Jesse Pretorius wrote:
On 27 March 2014 20:52, Chris Friesen <chris.frie...@windriver.com
<mailto:chris.frie...@windriver.com>> wrote:

    It'd be nice to be able to do a heat template where you could
    specify things like "put these three servers on separate hosts from
    each other, and these other two servers on separate hosts from each
    other (but maybe on the same hosts as the first set of servers), and
    they all have to be on the same network segment because they talk to
    each other a lot and I want to minimize latency, and they all need
    access to the same shared instance storage for live migration".

Surely this can be achieved with:
1) Configure compute hosts with shared storage and on the same switch
infrastructure in a host aggregate, with an AZ set in the aggregate
(setting the AZ gives visibility to the end-user)
2) Ensure that both the GroupAntiAffinityFilter and
AvailabilityZoneFilter are setup on the scheduler
3) Boot the instances using the availability zone and group scheduler hints

Last I checked, heat doesn't support creating server groups. Is it possible to use GroupAntiAffinityFilter without server groups?

I'm thinking of a setup where you may have multiple shared storage zones, such that not all compute nodes have access to the same storage (for performance reasons).

Similarly, in a large environment it's possible that compute nodes don't all have access to the same network.


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