On Apr 4, 2014, at 1:56 PM, Zane Bitter <zbit...@redhat.com>

> On 19/02/14 02:48, Clint Byrum wrote:
>> Since picking up Heat and trying to think about how to express clusters
>> of things, I've been troubled by how poorly the CFN language supports
>> using lists. There has always been the Fn::Select function for
>> dereferencing arrays and maps, and recently we added a nice enhancement
>> to HOT to allow referencing these directly in get_attr and get_param.
>> However, this does not help us when we want to do something with all of
>> the members of a list.
>> In many applications I suspect the template authors will want to do what
>> we want to do now in TripleO. We have a list of identical servers and
>> we'd like to fetch the same attribute from them all, join it with other
>> attributes, and return that as a string.
>> The specific case is that we need to have all of the hosts in a cluster
>> of machines addressable in /etc/hosts (please, Designate, save us,
>> eventually. ;). The way to do this if we had just explicit resources
>> named NovaCompute0, NovaCompute1, would be:
>>   str_join:
>>     - "\n"
>>     - - str_join:
>>         - ' '
>>         - get_attr:
>>           - NovaCompute0
>>           - networks.ctlplane.0
>>         - get_attr:
>>           - NovaCompute0
>>           - name
>>       - str_join:
>>         - ' '
>>         - get_attr:
>>           - NovaCompute1
>>           - networks.ctplane.0
>>         - get_attr:
>>           - NovaCompute1
>>           - name
>> Now, what I'd really like to do is this:
>> map:
>>   - str_join:
>>     - "\n"
>>     - - str_join:
>>       - ' '
>>       - get_attr:
>>         - "$1"
>>         - networks.ctlplane.0
>>       - get_attr:
>>         - "$1"
>>         - name
>>   - - NovaCompute0
>>     - NovaCompute1
>> This would be helpful for the instances of resource groups too, as we
>> can make sure they return a list. The above then becomes:
>> map:
>>   - str_join:
>>     - "\n"
>>     - - str_join:
>>       - ' '
>>       - get_attr:
>>         - "$1"
>>         - networks.ctlplane.0
>>       - get_attr:
>>         - "$1"
>>         - name
>>   - get_attr:
>>       - NovaComputeGroup
>>       - member_resources
>> Thoughts on this idea? I will throw together an implementation soon but
>> wanted to get this idea out there into the hive mind ASAP.
> Apparently I read this at the time, but completely forgot about it. Sorry 
> about that! Since it has come up again in the context of the "TripleO Heat 
> templates and merge.py" thread, allow me to contribute my 2c.
> Without expressing an opinion on this proposal specifically, consensus within 
> the Heat core team has been heavily -1 on any sort of for-each functionality. 
> I'm happy to have the debate again (and TBH I don't really know what the 
> right answer is), but I wouldn't consider the lack of comment on this as a 
> reliable indicator of lazy consensus in favour; equivalent proposals have 
> been considered and rejected on multiple occasions.
> Since it looks like TripleO will soon be able to move over to using 
> AutoscalingGroups (or ResourceGroups, or something) for groups of similar 
> servers, maybe we could consider baking this functionality into Autoscaling 
> groups instead of as an intrinsic function.
> For example, when you do get_attr on an autoscaling resource it could fetch 
> the corresponding attribute from each member of the group and return them as 
> a list. (It might be wise to prepend "Output." or something similar - maybe 
> "Members." - to the attribute names, as AWS::CloudFormation::Stack does, so 
> that attributes of the autoscaling group itself can remain in a separate 
> namespace.)

FWIW, ResourceGroup supports this now as well as getting the attribute value 
from a given indexed member of the group.

> Since members of your NovaComputeGroup will be nested stacks anyway (using 
> ResourceGroup or some equivalent feature - preferably autoscaling with 
> rolling updates), in the case above you'd define in the scaled template:
>  outputs:
>    hosts_entry:
>      description: An /etc/hosts entry for the NovaComputeServer
>      value:
>        - str_join:
>          - ' '
>          - - get_attr:
>              - NovaComputeServer
>              - networks
>              - ctlplane
>              - 0
>            - get_attr:
>              - NovaComputeServer
>              - name
> And then in the main template (containing the autoscaling group):
>    str_join:
>      - "\n"
>      - get_attr:
>        - NovaComputeGroup
>        - Members.hosts_entry
> would give the same output as your example would.
> IMHO we should do something like this regardless of whether it solves your 
> use case, because it's fairly easy, requires no changes to the template 
> format, and users have been asking for ways to access e.g. a list of IP 
> addresses from a scaling group. That said, it seems very likely that making 
> the other changes required for TripleO to get rid of merge.py (i.e. switching 
> to scaling groups of templates instead of by multiplying resources in 
> templates) will make this a viable solution for TripleO's use case as well.
> cheers,
> Zane.
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