On 04/16/2014 08:11 AM, Jay Pipes wrote:
On Wed, 2014-04-16 at 14:55 +0800, Chen CH Ji wrote:
                 There are 3 types of unit test existing now (stub, mox
and mock)
                 Several code reviewers suggest to use mock instead of
using the other 2 and I am following it, but I want to know where can
I find the suggestion and guide line?

Hi Kevin!

So, there are only two unit testing methods -- mock and mox. stubs are
part of the mox-style way of doing things.

My general rules of thumb when doing reviews in Nova are these:

1) For new unit tests, use mock
2) Don't mix mock and mox in a single test method
3) When modifying existing unit tests, unless rewriting the test method
almost entirely, stick with whatever is used already (mock or mox)


These points are also documented here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ReviewChecklist (see point 4 under the Common Review Checklist)


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