On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 9:18 AM, Brian Curtin <br...@python.org> wrote:
> Per the meeting yesterday, we're having a vote on which way to go
> between Ed's and Jamie's proposals. If you have an opinion one way or
> another, please make it known at
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/PythonOpenStackSDK/ClassDesignDecision
> Voting ends at the end of the day UTC on Thursday. If you enter ~~~~
> it'll enter your name and the time you voted.

I left a few questions on each review, and I apologize in advance if
they cover information that was discussed in the meetings.
Unfortunately the SDK meeting conflicts with another meeting I have.

As a general question, are there any examples of non-CRUD operations?
I think I see how they would work, but I don't want to assume that I
understand the intent.

It also looks like both designs rely on discovering at least some of
the attributes and APIs using responses from the server, is that
right? If so, how do we address discoverability for developers using
the classes? How do they know what attributes an object has and what
arguments are required to create a new instance?


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