On 2014-04-25 10:40:02 -0700 (-0700), James E. Blair wrote:
> Of course, for some of us, that's not a lot. So on Monday, we'll
> send a GPG signed email with the fingerprints as well. And this is
> just another reminder that as a community, we should endeavor to
> build our GPG web of trust. See you at the Summit!

As noted, the Gerrit Git+SSH/API host keys for review.openstack.org
have been regenerated during the course of today's upgrade. The
corresponding new key fingerprints are as follows:

    28:c6:42:b7:44:d2:48:64:c1:3f:31:d8:1b:6e:3b:63 (RSA)
    6c:95:14:fd:8b:0f:de:d3:e3:10:77:5a:de:22:8a:5f (DSA)

They are also published at the following URL within its WebUI for


When you're presented with an error message about a host key
mismatch, you'll probably need to strip the hashed entry for the old
host key from your known hosts file before being able to accept the
new one. For modern versions of OpenSSH, this can be done as
outlined here:


Jeremy Stanley

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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