Congrats to your daughter, Don !

I'll chair this week meeting, no worries.

Le 6 mai 2014 04:46, "Dugger, Donald D" <> a écrit

> Unfortunately, I'll be on a plane this week (traveling to my daughter's
> college graduation) so, again, if people want to hand out on the IRC
> channel (#openstack-meeting at 1500 UTC) the list of things I wanted to go
> over was:
> 1) Go over action items from last week
> 2) Status on forklift efforts
> 3) Juno summit design sessions (last chance to discuss)
> 4) Opens
> Topic vault (so we don't forget)
> 1- No-db scheduler
> --
> Don Dugger
> "Censeo Toto nos in Kansa esse decisse." - D. Gale
> Ph: 303/443-3786
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