
Thank you for attending the meeting around the Advanced Services and
Neutron yesterday in the Neutron pod.

We had a great meeting. The goal of this session was to discuss how the
current Neutron LBaaS doesn't fit the need of what is now defined as
operators e.g. large scale (private, public) cloud service providers.

Background info on Why we needed this session can be found at:

More than 60 people attended and we had representtives from many companies
incl. PayPal, Yahoo, Rackspace, BlueBox, HP, Comcast, Intel, F5,  and many
more. We had several Neutron core team members incl the current PTL Kyle
Mestery, the previous PTL Mark McClain, Maru Newby and leads for the
Advanced services Sumit Naiksatam and Nachi Ueno.

Several issues were discussed including the lack of velocity and progress
in the LBaaS project, the operator requirements and prioritization
documented on the Wiki, operator use cases documented on the wiki, lack of
architectural and design documentations, issues around being able to
contribute to the project, etc... A lot of frustration was aired and in the
end the neutron core team members signed up to help get LBaaS/Advanced
services back on track by educating the newcomers, by helping unblock
issues, and by helping speed up the review process.

Outcomes from the Meeting

Immediate action items:

* The Neutron team will assign a core team member to facilitate the dialog
with the LBaaS team to mentor the LBaaS newcomers through the various
processes including what it takes to become a core member.
-- Kyle Mestery signed up to be this liaison person/dedicated core reviewer
since he has already started attending the various LBaaS weekly meetings.
Thanks Kyle :-)

* The Neutron core team will provide a list of the plug-in integration
points that are problematic. Owner: Kyle

Short term goals (Juno)
* Create a better abstraction between the Advanced Services and Neutron
* Well-defined and clean interfaces
* Clean REST API for User (will be discussed Thursday 11:00-11:40 during
the LBaaS Session)
* Mentorship

Long term goal (~3 release cycles)
* Spin-out LBaaS from Neutron (with all the things that include: clean
architecture, QA, etc...)

We plan to revisit this goal at each summit to track our progress against

Regards Susanne
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