(Resending to add openstack-dev)

Gauvain Pocentek

Objectif Libre - Infrastructure et Formations Linux

Le 2014-05-15 17:34, Gauvain Pocentek a écrit :

This mail probably mainly concerns the doc team, but I guess that the
heat team wants to know what's going on.

We've shortly discussed the state of heat documentation with Anne
Gentle and Andreas Jaeger yesterday, and I'd like to share what we
think would be nice to do.

Currently we only have a small section in the user guide that
describes how to start a stack, but nothing documenting how to write
templates. The heat developer doc provides a good reference, but I
think it's not easy to use to get started.

So the idea is to add an "OpenStack Orchestration" chapter in the
user guide that would document how to use a cloud with heat, and how
to write templates.

I've drafted a spec to keep track of this at [0].

Let me know if this sounds OK to you all.

Gauvain Pocentek

Objectif Libre - Infrastructure et Formations Linux

[0]: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+spec/heat-templates

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