Hi Abhijeet,

Why do not use the oslo library for it? I mean, maybe you can define or find a 
specific class related to testing process there, where you can put this method.

De: Abhijeet Jain 
Responder a: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" 
Fecha: Wednesday 21 May 2014 13:27
Asunto: [openstack-dev] A proposal for code reduction

Hi Openstack-developers,

I am Abhijeet Jain. One of the contributor in OpenStack.

I was just working on optimizing the codes in Neutron , Keystone, Cinder 
Then, I came across with a very common scenario that I can see at many places.
at many places, I saw that the users have written the code in such form :

assertEqual(user1['id'], user2['id']);
assertEqual(user1['name'], user2['name']);
assertEqual(user1['status'], user2['status']);
assertEqual(user1['xyz'], user2['xyz']);

To optimize such redundancy, I created a help function like below :

def _check(self, expected, actual, keys):
    for key in keys:
        assertEqual( expected[key], actual[key])

So, everywhere we just need to call this function like this :
_check(user1, user2, ['id', 'name', 'status', 'xyz'])

So, this way lots of code can be reduced.
but, currently i need to put that function in every test file , I want to use. 
There is no global space.

My proposal is :
How about putting this function in some utils like place, which can be accessed 
in every test function.
but for that, I need your approval.
Kindly, provide your valuable feedback on this.

Abhijeet Jain

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