Hi Ajaya,


Thanks for offer to help :)


Are you talking about tempest tests or in-tree keystone tests?


Verifying custom roles can be challenging via  API only driven tests such as 
tempest – as it requires to have the policies configured accordingly in the 
cloud under test (i.e. devstack).

It should be possible to prepare support for custom roles in the policy at 
deployment time. If tempest what you’re aiming at, it would be good if you 
could file a bp to describe what kind of use cases you have in mind, and why 
you’d like to run them in tempest.


As these would be keystone only tests, I wonder if they would be more fitting 
as unit / functional tests in the keystone tree? This approach would give you 
more flexibility in changing the policies.


If you are interested in contributing to tempest tests in the keystone area, 
below are some ideas.


A few bp which are related to tempest and keystone identity API v3:

-          Refactor tempest so that it may run consuming identity v3 only (or 
greater, when available) [1]

-          Setup dsvm tests which rely on identity v3 only (including 
intra-service communication) [2]

-          Cross domain testing: write tests to verify the impact of the domain 
scope on keystone itself and on the services [3]

-          Tempest without admin account (David Kranz’s blueprint): run tempest 
tests without the need of an “admin” account [4]


Your very welcome to contribute to any of those. [3] and [4] are still in the 
design phase.


The non-admin blueprint is loosely related to custom roles: it raised the 
question of how to run as many tests as possible without the need of an 
identity-admin account, which in certain deployments may be not available to 
the person running the tests.

The concept of domain introduced in identity v3 may be helpful here, as a 
domain admin could be able to have full control within the boundaries of the 

That can be true for keystone, as long as roles is defined and the policy in 
keystone is configured correctly.  


For services I believe there is no combination of custom roles / service 
policies that will allow to achieve this – to make an example use case, allow 
the domain admin to list all the VMs, images, containers and networks defined 
within projects that belong to the domain. I believe that for this to be 
possible we’ll have to wait for the hierarchical multi-tenancy in every 
projects. [5]





Please use the openstack-dev list, openstack-qa is only used for reporting of 
periodic job test results. 



[2] https://github.com/openstack/qa-specs/blob/master/specs/keystone-v3-jobs.rst





From: Ajaya Agrawal [mailto:ajku....@gmail.com] 
Sent: 03 June 2014 20:38
To: openstack-qa
Subject: [openstack-qa] Tests for Custom roles in keystone v3




Is someone writing tests for custom roles and policies in keystone v3. for e.g. 
one could create a role called project_admin who would allowed to create/delete 
users in his project only.


Andrea, Sean said in irc that you are working on this thing. Would you like to 
have one more pair of hands on this? :)



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