On 06/06/2014 04:00 AM, Mark McLoughlin wrote:
> On Wed, 2014-06-04 at 18:03 -0700, Mark Washenberger wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I'd like to propose the Images program to adopt a mission statement
>> [1] and then change it to reflect our new aspirations of acting as a
>> Catalog that works with artifacts beyond just disk images [2]. 
>> Since the Glance mini summit early this year, momentum has been
>> building significantly behind catalog effort and I think its time we
>> recognize it officially, to ensure further growth can proceed and to
>> clarify the interactions the Glance Catalog will have with other
>> OpenStack projects.
>> Please see the linked openstack/governance changes, and provide your
>> feedback either in this thread, on the changes themselves, or in the
>> next TC meeting when we get a chance to discuss.
>> Thanks to Georgy Okrokvertskhov for coming up with the new mission
>> statement.
> Just quoting the proposal here to make the idea slightly more
> accessible, perhaps triggering some discussion here:
>   https://review.openstack.org/98002
>   Artifact Repository Service:
>     codename: Glance
>     mission:
>       To provide services to store, browse, share, distribute, and manage
>       artifacts consumable by OpenStack services in a unified manner. An 
> artifact
>       is any strongly-typed, versioned collection of document and bulk,
>       unstructured data and is immutable once the artifact is published in the
>       repository.

As I noted on the review, I like this direction for Glance.  However, I
have context in my head from other discussions about this.

One concern is the broad definition of artifacts.  Perhaps that's what
we want though, and we'll just have exceptions when warranted, such as
key storage.

Russell Bryant

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