If these tokens are variable length up to 4k, it will make the search space
much to large to construct any kind of useful table. They become infeasible
for A-z0-9 variable-length password sets above 10 chars if you include
every permutation. Assuming the tokens are generated in a very predictable
manner that exclude a ton of possibilities, we shouldn't have to worry
about rainbow tables.

Kevin Benton

On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 12:52 AM, Robert Collins <robe...@robertcollins.net>

> On 12 June 2014 23:59, Sean Dague <s...@dague.net> wrote:
> > The only thing it makes harder is you have to generate your own token to
> > run the curl command. The rest is there. Because everyone is running our
> > servers at debug levels, it means the clients are going to be running
> > debug level as well (yay python logging!), so this is something I don't
> > think people realized was a huge issue.
> >
> >> Anyway I have sent a patch for swiftclient for this in :
> >>
> >> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/99632/1
> >>
> >> Personally I don't think I like much that SHA1 and i'd rather use the
> >> first 16 bytes of the token (like we did in swift server)
> >
> > Using a well known hash means you can verify it was the right thing if
> > you have access to the original data. Just taking the first 16 bytes
> > doesn't give you that, so I think the hash provides slightly more
> > debugability.
> Would it be possible to salt it? e.g. make a 128bit salt and use that.
> The same token used twice will log with the same salt, but you won't
> have the rainbow table weakness.
> The length of tokens isn't a particularly strong defense against
> rainbow tables AIUI: if folk realise we have tokens exposed, they will
> just use a botnet to build a table specifically targetting us.
> -Rob
> --
> Robert Collins <rbtcoll...@hp.com>
> Distinguished Technologist
> HP Converged Cloud
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