On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 8:07 PM, Thierry Carrez <thie...@openstack.org> wrote:
> I had a question about Murano's remaining feature set though. If the
> application catalog lives in Glance and the application deployment lives
> in Heat, what functionality does Murano end up providing ? Could you
> elaborate on the "composition" mission ?

Yes, application composition is the main feature of Murano from the
user perspective. Let me outline how we see the project

Murano will use Glance to store and manage application packages as
Glance artifacts. Murano packages could have different formats -
currently Murano package. TOSCA TCAR and APS packages [1] will be
supported by Murano in the future. Glance artifacts API will allow to
store, query, list and index packages. Murano will use Glance to store
and manage application packages as Glance artifacts.

Heat is used by Murano to manage OpenStack resources and software
components. Heat engine is responsible for actual resource
provisioning and deployment.

On top of those Murano provides the following features:
- allow users to combine various packages from catalog by using
capabilities and requirements of applications
- provide easy-to-use rich UI for end users who don’t necessarily have
understanding of the underlying cloud infrastructure
- Murano "knows" how to merge different packages and generates Heat
template to deploy the environment, which in terms of Murano is a
logical aggregation of multiple applications
- as an application catalog allows app publishers and cloud owners to
certify and license packages, provide additional partner information
- allow to define billing rules. Murano can generate events predefined
by app publisher to Ceilometer and integrate with 3rd party billing
systems to bill users based on Ceilometer statistics
- third-party services plumbing to support integration with APIs, both
in stack, like Trove, and external

Hopefully this document [2] started as initiative elaborated from our
cross-project session will help to understand what Murano provides
from user perspective.

[1] http://doc.apsstandard.org/
[2] http://bit.ly/1lz3ULB


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