On 6/26/2014 1:54 PM, Jay Pipes wrote:
On 06/26/2014 12:14 PM, boden wrote:
We were recently having a discussion over here in trove regarding a
standardized format to use for log and error messages - obviously
consistency is ideal (within and across projects). As this discussion
involves the broader dev community, bringing this topic to the list for

I'm aware of the logging standards wiki[1], however this page does not
describe in depth a standardized format to use for log / error messages.

In particular w/r/t program values in messages:

(a) For in-line program values, I've seen both single quoted and
unquoted formatting used. e.g.
single quote: LOG.info("The ID '%s' is not invalid." % (resource.id))
unquoted: LOG.info("The ID %s is not valid." % (resource.id))

No opinion on this one.

(b) For program values appended to the message, I've seen various
formats used. e.g.
LOG.info("This path is invalid: %s" % (obj.path))
LOG.info("This path is invalid %s" % (obj.path))
LOG.info("This path is invalid - %s" % (obj.path))

The first would be my preference (i.e. using a ": " to delineate the
target of the log message)

 From a consistency perspective, it seems we should consider
standardizing a best practice for such formatting.

Possibly, though this is likely getting into the realm of femto-nits and

Ha, you read my mind, i.e. bike-shedding.

There are a few wikis and devref docs on style guides in openstack including logging standards, I'd say make sure there is common sense in there and then leave the rest to the review team to police the logs in new changes - if it's ugly, change it with a patch.

We don't need to boil the ocean to develop a set of standards/processes that are so heavy weight that people aren't going to follow anyway.

This sounds exactly like the kind of thing I see a lot within the workings of my corporate overlord and it drives me crazy, so I'm a bit biased here. :)

FWIW, Sean Dague has a draft logging standards spec for nova here:


For in-line values (#a above) I find single quotes the most consumable
as they are a clear indication the value came from code and moreover
provide a clear set of delimiters around the value. However to date
unquoted appears to be the most widely used.

For appended values (#b above) I find a delimiter such as ':' most
consumable as it provides a clear boundary between the message and
value. Using ':' seems fairly common today, but you'll find other
formatting throughout the code.

If we wanted to squash this topic the high level steps are
- Determine and document message format.
- Ensure the format is part of the dev process (coding + review).
- Cross team work to address existing messages not following the format.

Thoughts / comments?

[1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/LoggingStandards

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