Le 02/07/2014 14:51, Andrew Laski a écrit :
> On 07/02/2014 06:09 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
>> Sylvain Bauza wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I won't be able to attend the mid-cycle sprint due to a good family
>>> reason (a new baby 2.0 release expected to land by these dates), so I'm
>>> wondering if it's possible to webcast some of the sessions so people
>>> who
>>> are not there can still share their voices ?
>> It's the same issues we have with remote participation to design summit
>> sessions. It's possible to arrange a specific person (or set of persons)
>> to attend a specific session (via some combination of tools). It's
>> impossible to let everyone attend everything without significantly
>> impacting the quality of the in-person discussion.
> As a remote participant at the last mid-cycle meeting I'm going to
> agree with this.  I successfully participated in a few topics and
> otherwise just tried to listen in to what was being discussed. Getting
> involved with most discussions was difficult because although the
> audio was quite good for a remote setup there were two challenges.  I
> couldn't catch everything that was said and was likely to mention
> something that had already been discussed, which regressed the
> conversation.  And because one participant in the call is a room and
> not someone close to a microphone you end up having to treat it like a
> half-duplex connection which significantly slows down discussion.
> So while I enjoyed listening in and am very thankful for the
> opportunity to have done so, it is not at all a substitute for being
> there.
>> So ideally the agenda would identify key missing stakeholders for
>> specific sessions, and try to patch them in. And in all cases, you must
>> make sure any discussion is documented and no decision is final, so that
>> excluded people can still chime in.
>> Regards,

Hi Andrew and Thierry,

Thanks for your feedbacks. I truly understand that most of the time,
remote people slow down the live conversation because of the audio
quality or bad understandings.

With regards to that, I would propose the following :
 - key missing participants need to be identified for each session
(possibly based on voting) and only those would be possibly
participating remotely. Others could still listen to the stream but no
voice could be shared
 - for the key participants, a local peer has to be proposed who will be
attending the session and proxy the remote voice. No audio question from
the remotee, he has to type the questions to his peer so the peer can
speak in behalf of him
 - the key missing participant has to accept that the peer would
possibly not share exactly his ideas. That's a "voting delegation"
(well, sort of...) so if questions have to be made to the questioner,
that's the peer who would answers, without waiting the remote answer.
 - the peer has to accept the extra overload that represents a mixed
IRC+live communication.

The idea above is just to find a way to have some interactivity, but
with still the idea that in-person discussions stay the only way to


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