
I'm using openstack icehouse to develop a neutron plugin and I have a issue
with the timeouts the neutronclient gives to nova. For me the create_port
neutron API request takes a lot of time when hundreds of instances are
involved and nova gets a timeout. That's why I tried increasing the
neutron_url_timeout property to 60 seconds in nova.conf. The problem is
this increase doesn't change anything, the create_port request still
timeouts after 30 seconds.
I looked in the neutronclient code (neutronclient.client.HTTPClient) and
saw that  the timeout value that is being set is not used anywhere. I
expected a reference in the _cs_request but couldn't find one. Also from
what I can understand from the create_port flow the **kwargs don't contain
the timeout parameter. Could this be a bug?

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