>>This is the part that I really wonder about. Since asyncio isn't just a
>>drop-in replacement for eventlet (which hid the async part under its
>>*black magic*), I very much wonder how the community will respond to this
>>kind of mindset change (along with its new *black magic*).
>I disagree with you, asyncio is not "black magic". It's well defined. The
>execution of a coroutine is complex, but it doesn't use magic. IMO
>task switching is more black magic, it's not possible to guess it just by
>reading the code.
>Sorry but asyncio is nothing new :-( It's just a fresh design based on
>previous projects.
>Python has Twisted since more than 10 years. More recently, Tornado came.
>support coroutines using "yield" (see @inlineCallbacks and toro). Thanks
>these two projects, there are already libraries which have an async API,
>coroutines or callbacks.
>These are just the two major projects, they are much more projects, but
>are smaller and younger.

I agree that the idea is nothing new, my observation/question/thought was
that the paradigm and larger architectural switch for openstack (and parts
of the larger python community) is new (even if the concept is not new)
and that means for those unaccustomed to it (or for those without
experience with node.js, go, twisted, tornoado or other...) that it will
appear to be similarily black-magic-like (complex things appear as magic
until they exist for long enough to be understood, at which point they are
no longer magically). Eventlet has that one benefit that it has been
around longer (although of course some people will still call it magical,
for the previously stated reasons), for better or worse.

Hope that makes more sense now.


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