Hi again Jon Paul,

My mistake! This seems to be exactly what I was looking for, thank you. (I
goofed the query which is why I thought it was lacking.)

Cheers :)

On 10 July 2014 09:17, Luke Gorrie <l...@snabb.co> wrote:

> On 9 July 2014 20:24, Sullivan, Jon Paul <jonpaul.sulli...@hp.com> wrote:
>>    Incidentally, is there already way to review what votes my CI (or
>> indeed anybody's) is casting via an openstack.org web interface?
>> >>> You can look at the individual account dashboards in Gerrit, like:
>> https://review.openstack.org/#/dashboard/12019
> This search seems to omit many entries that I am interested in. For
> example, the Tail-f CI has tested & reviewed hundreds of Neutron changes
> recently but the search comes up empty. Is this an issue with accounts that
> don't have the voting bit set?
> For the use case of bringing new CIs online I would find it very useful to
> be able to review all the reviews that the CI makes even before it has
> voting enabled.
> Cheers,
> -Luke
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