
I looked for info about role-based access control in swift because 
I would like to prohibit PUT operations to containers like create 
containers and set ACLs.

Other services like Nova, Cinder have "policy.json" file but Swift doesn't.
And I found out the following info.
- Swift ACL's migration
- Centralized policy management

Do you have detail info for above?

Migrate Swift ACL's from a highly flexible Tenant ID/Name basis, which worked 
reasonably well against Identity API v2, to strictly be based on v3 Project 
IDs. The driving requirement here is that Project Names are no longer globally 
unique in v3, as they're only unique within a top-level domain.
Centralized policy management
Keystone currently provides an unused /v3/policies API that can be used to 
centralize policy blob management across OpenStack.

Best Regards,
Hisashi Osanai

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