I decided to do some Nova reviews today, and I decided to do it by
pulling up the list of all of them and start from the end.  What I've
found is a *lot* of reviews that have been idle for several months.
I've even found one or two that were approved, but weren't merged due to
depending on an outdated patch, and I found others that had several +1s
but no -1s or +2s.  There are 2 or 3 pages of these old reviews hanging
at the end of the list, and it made me ask about the auto-expiration we
used to have—I missed it in the Gerrit upgrade thread, but it turns out
that, since core reviewers can now abandon/restore patches, the
auto-expiration has been turned off.

Given that we have so many old reviews hanging around on nova (and
probably other projects), should we consider setting something like that
back up?  With nova, at least, the vast majority of them can't possibly
merge because they're so old, so we need to at least have something to
remind the developer that they need to rebase…and if they've forgotten
the review or don't care about it anymore, we should either have it
taken over or get the review abandoned.

The other concern I have is the several reviews that no core dev looked
at in an entire month, but I have no solutions to suggest there,
unfortunately :(
Kevin L. Mitchell <kevin.mitch...@rackspace.com>

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