+1, much awaited!

On Fri, 2014-07-11 at 15:50 -0700, Devananda van der Veen wrote:
> Hi all!
> It's time to grow the team :)
> Jim (jroll) started working with Ironic at the last mid-cycle, when
> "teeth" became ironic-python-agent. In the time since then, he's
> jumped into Ironic to help improve the project as a whole. In the last
> few months, in both reviews and discussions on IRC, I have seen him
> consistently demonstrate a solid grasp of Ironic's architecture and
> its role within OpenStack, contribute meaningfully to design
> discussions, and help many other contributors. I think he will be a
> great addition to the core review team.
> Below are his review stats for Ironic, as calculated by the
> openstack-infra/reviewstats project with local modification to remove
> ironic-python-agent, so we can see his activity in the main project.
> Cheers,
> Devananda
> +--------------------------+---------------------------------------+----------------+
> |         Reviewer         | Reviews   -2  -1  +1  +2  +A    +/- % |
> Disagreements* |
> +--------------------------+---------------------------------------+----------------+
> 30
> |      jimrollenhagen      |      29    0   8  21   0   0    72.4% |
>    5 ( 17.2%)  |
> 60
> |      jimrollenhagen      |      76    0  16  60   0   0    78.9% |
> 13 ( 17.1%)  |
> 90
> |      jimrollenhagen      |     106    0  27  79   0   0    74.5% |
> 25 ( 23.6%)  |
> 180
> |      jimrollenhagen      |     157    0  41 116   0   0    73.9% |
> 35 ( 22.3%)  |
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