Hi folks!

I know this is slightly late... We focused on reviewing and landing specs
last week or so, and I think we've done a great job of that. Let's keep
doing that in the future. Also, let's do it earlier in the "K" cycle next
time, which should be easier, since we now have a better handle on what to
put in a spec, how to review them, and when we should (and should not) use
one. (And yes, it's subjective and still evolving in my mind, too).

As a result of everyone's work reviewing specs, we have eight approved now,
and Juno-2 is just a week away. I've just updated the status of all of them
on launchpad based on my knowledge.

To note, Juno-2 is only a milestone. It's not a release. Bumping any of
these to Juno-3 is fine. I've targeted the ones that I *think* we can land,
if cores focus on reviewing them in the next few days. I also may be wrong,
as I don't know everything.

Those of you who have specs or bugs assigned to you and listed (and not
already completed) on that page, please take a minute to go update them.

- If there's code up and it needs to be reviewed, the status should say
"Needs Review" (if it's a BP) or "In progress" (if it's a bug)
- If there's no code up (or the code is not close to ready), the status
should NOT say those things AND it should not be targeted to Juno-2. You
probably can't change that, but please poke me on IRC or email to let me
know, and I'll change it.

If you're a core reviewer, please focus on reviewing these things at the
moment. Thanks!

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