Status, as I understand it:

* oslo.db changes to support other mysql drivers:  (merged)  (awaiting oslo.db review)  (awaiting oslo.db review)

(These are sufficient to allow operators to switch connection strings and
use mysqlconnector.  The rest is all for our testing environment)

* oslo.db change to allow testing with other mysql drivers:  (awaiting oslo.db review)  (awaiting oslo.db review.
 Ongoing discussion towards a larger rewrite of oslo.db testing instead)

* Integration into jenkins environment:

Blocked on getting Oracle to distribute mysql-connector via pypi.
Ihar and others are having conversations with the upstream author.

* Devstack change to switch to mysqlconnector for neutron:  (marked wip)
Ihar: do you want me to pick this up, or are you going to continue it once
some of the above has settled?

* oslo.db gate test that reproduces the deadlock with eventlet:  (In review.  Can't be submitted
until gate environment is switched to mysqlconnector)

Overall I'm not happy with the rate of change - but we're getting there.  I
look forward to getting this fixed :/

On 18 July 2014 21:45, Ihar Hrachyshka <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA512
> On 14/07/14 17:03, Ihar Hrachyshka wrote:
> > On 14/07/14 15:54, Clark Boylan wrote:
> >> On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 9:20 AM, Ihar Hrachyshka
> >> <> wrote: On 11/07/14 19:20, Clark Boylan
> >> wrote:
> >>>>> Before we get too far ahead of ourselves mysql-connector
> >>>>> is not hosted on pypi. Instead it is an external package
> >>>>> link. We recently managed to remove all packages that are
> >>>>> hosted as external package links from openstack and will
> >>>>> not add new ones in. Before we can use mysql-connector in
> >>>>> the gate oracle will need to publish mysql-connector on
> >>>>> pypi properly.
> >
> >> There is misunderstanding in our community on how we deploy db
> >> client modules. No project actually depends on any of them. We
> >> assume deployers will install the proper one and configure
> >> 'connection' string to use it. In case of devstack, we install
> >> the appropriate package from distribution packages, not pip.
> >
> >>> Correct, but for all of the other test suites (unittests) we
> >>> install the db clients via pip because tox runs them and
> >>> virtualenvs allowing site packages cause too many problems. See
> >>>
> >>>
> .
> >>>
> >>>
> >
> >>>
> So we do actually depend on these things being pip installable.
> >>> Basically this allows devs to run `tox` and it works.
> >
> > Roger that, and thanks for clarification. I'm trying to reach the
> > author and the maintainer of mysqlconnector-python to see whether
> > I'll be able to convince him to publish the packages on
> >
> >
> I've reached the maintainer of the module, he told me he is currently
> working on uploading releases directly to
> >
> >>> I would argue that we should have devstack install via pip too
> >>> for consistency, but that is a different issue (it is already
> >>> installing all of the other python dependencies this way so
> >>> why special case?).
> >
> >> What we do is recommending a module for our users in our
> >> documentation.
> >
> >> That said, I assume the gate is a non-issue. Correct?
> >
> >>>>>
> >>>>> That said there is at least one other pure python
> >>>>> alternative, PyMySQL. PyMySQL supports py3k and pypy. We
> >>>>> should look at using PyMySQL instead if we want to start
> >>>>> with a reasonable path to getting this in the gate.
> >
> >> MySQL Connector supports py3k too (not sure about pypy though).
> >
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Clark
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 10:07 AM, Miguel Angel Ajo Pelayo
> >>>>> <> wrote:
> >>>>>> +1 here too,
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Amazed with the performance gains, x2.4 seems a lot, and
> >>>>>> we'd get rid of deadlocks.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
> >>>>>>> +1
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> I'm pretty excited about the possibilities here.  I've
> >>>>>>> had this mysqldb/eventlet contention in the back of my
> >>>>>>> mind for some time now. I'm glad to see some work
> >>>>>>> being done in this area.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Carl
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 7:04 AM, Ihar Hrachyshka
> >>>>>>> <> wrote:
> >>>>> On 09/07/14 13:17, Ihar Hrachyshka wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Multiple projects are suffering from db lock
> >>>>>>>>>> timeouts due to deadlocks deep in mysqldb
> >>>>>>>>>> library that we use to interact with mysql
> >>>>>>>>>> servers. In essence, the problem is due to
> >>>>>>>>>> missing eventlet support in mysqldb module,
> >>>>>>>>>> meaning when a db lock is encountered, the
> >>>>>>>>>> library does not yield to the next green thread,
> >>>>>>>>>> allowing other threads to eventually unlock the
> >>>>>>>>>> grabbed lock, and instead it just blocks the main
> >>>>>>>>>> thread, that eventually raises timeout exception
> >>>>>>>>>> (OperationalError).
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> The failed operation is not retried, leaving
> >>>>>>>>>> failing request not served. In Nova, there is a
> >>>>>>>>>> special retry mechanism for deadlocks, though I
> >>>>>>>>>> think it's more a hack than a proper fix.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Neutron is one of the projects that suffer from
> >>>>>>>>>> those timeout errors a lot. Partly it's due to
> >>>>>>>>>> lack of discipline in how we do nested calls in
> >>>>>>>>>> l3_db and ml2_plugin code, but that's not
> >>>>>>>>>> something to change in foreseeable future, so we
> >>>>>>>>>> need to find another solution that is applicable
> >>>>>>>>>> for Juno. Ideally, the solution should be
> >>>>>>>>>> applicable for Icehouse too to allow distributors
> >>>>>>>>>> to resolve existing deadlocks without waiting for
> >>>>>>>>>> Juno.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> We've had several discussions and attempts to
> >>>>>>>>>> introduce a solution to the problem. Thanks to
> >>>>>>>>>> oslo.db guys, we now have more or less clear
> >>>>>>>>>> view on the cause of the failures and how to
> >>>>>>>>>> easily fix them. The solution is to switch
> >>>>>>>>>> mysqldb to something eventlet aware. The best
> >>>>>>>>>> candidate is probably MySQL Connector module that
> >>>>>>>>>> is an official MySQL client for Python and that
> >>>>>>>>>> shows some (preliminary) good results in terms
> >>>>>>>>>> of performance.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I've made additional testing, creating 2000 networks in
> >>>>> parallel (10 thread workers) for both drivers and
> >>>>> comparing results.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> With mysqldb: 215.81 sec With mysql-connector: 88.66
> >>>>>
> >>>>> ~2.4 times performance boost, ok? ;)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I think we should switch to that library *even* if we
> >>>>> forget about all the nasty deadlocks we experience now.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> I've posted a Neutron spec for the switch to the
> >>>>>>>>>> new client in Juno at [1]. Ideally, switch is
> >>>>>>>>>> just a matter of several fixes to oslo.db that
> >>>>>>>>>> would enable full support for the new driver
> >>>>>>>>>> already supported by SQLAlchemy, plus
> >>>>>>>>>> 'connection' string modified in service
> >>>>>>>>>> configuration files, plus documentation updates
> >>>>>>>>>> to refer to the new official way to configure
> >>>>>>>>>> services for MySQL. The database code won't,
> >>>>>>>>>> ideally, require any major changes, though some
> >>>>>>>>>> adaptation for the new client library may be
> >>>>>>>>>> needed. That said, Neutron does not seem to
> >>>>>>>>>> require any changes, though it was revealed that
> >>>>>>>>>> there are some alembic migration rules in
> >>>>>>>>>> Keystone or Glance that need (trivial)
> >>>>>>>>>> modifications.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> You can see how trivial the switch can be
> >>>>>>>>>> achieved for a service based on example for
> >>>>>>>>>> Neutron [2].
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> While this is a Neutron specific proposal, there
> >>>>>>>>>> is an obvious wish to switch to the new library
> >>>>>>>>>> globally throughout all the projects, to reduce
> >>>>>>>>>> devops burden, among other things. My vision is
> >>>>>>>>>> that, ideally, we switch all projects to the new
> >>>>>>>>>> library in Juno, though we still may leave
> >>>>>>>>>> several projects for K in case any issues arise,
> >>>>>>>>>> similar to the way projects switched to
> >>>>>>>>>> oslo.messaging during two cycles instead of one.
> >>>>>>>>>> Though looking at how easy Neutron can be
> >>>>>>>>>> switched to the new library, I wouldn't expect
> >>>>>>>>>> any issues that would postpone the switch till
> >>>>>>>>>> K.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> It was mentioned in comments to the spec
> >>>>>>>>>> proposal that there were some discussions at the
> >>>>>>>>>> latest summit around possible switch in context
> >>>>>>>>>> of Nova that revealed some concerns, though they
> >>>>>>>>>> do not seem to be documented anywhere. So if you
> >>>>>>>>>> know anything about it, please comment.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> So, we'd like to hear from other projects what's
> >>>>>>>>>> your take on that move, whether you see any
> >>>>>>>>>> issues or have concerns about it.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your comments, /Ihar
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> [1]:
> >>>>>>>>>> [2]:
> >>>>>>>>>>
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