Hello guys

I have the following network setup at home:

[openstack instances] -> [neutron router] -> [  [home router] [vpn gw]   ]
 TENANT NETWORK                                  EXTERNAL NETWORK

I need my instances to connect to machines that are connected thru the vpn
gw server.
By default, all traffic that comes from openstack instances go thru the
neutron router, and then hop onto the home router.

I've seen there's an extra routes extension for neutron routers that would
allow me to do that, but apparently I can't add extra routes to
destinations in the external network, only subnets known by neutron.
This can be seen from the neutron CLI command:

neutron router-update <router name> --routes type=dict list=true
destination=<network connected by VPN in CIDR>,nexthop=<vpn gw IP>
Invalid format for routes: [{u'nexthop': u'<vpn gw IP>', u'destination':
u'<network connected by VPN in CIDR>'}], the nexthop is not connected with

Is this use case not being possible to do at all?

I found Heat BP
https://blueprints.launchpad.net/heat/+spec/router-properties-object that
in the description reads this can be done on Neutron, but can't figure out

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