For everyone's reference, the tripleo-specs stats can be found here:

Note that looking at the stats, over 30 days 1 review per week is only
4, which most of our cores are already doing anyway.  I'm not sure
codifying a requirement to do at least that is going to help much.  To
move the needle I'm thinking we would need at least 3 - most of our
cores aren't meeting that today so it would actually require everyone to
do more reviews.  Spec reviews are difficult and tend to take a
significant amount of time, so that would be a considerable increase in
time commitments for cores.  I'm not sure how I feel about that,
although I'm probably biased because I'm not at 3 per week right now.


On 2014-07-22 15:18, Jay Dobies wrote:
> At the meetup today, the topic of our spec process came up. The
> general sentiment is that the process is still young and the hiccups
> are expected, but we do need to get better about making sure we're
> staying on top of them.
> As a first step, it was proposed to add 1 spec review a week to the
> existing 3 reviews per day requirement for cores.
> Additionally, we're going to start to capture and review the metrics
> on spec patches specifically during the weekly meeting. That should
> help bring to light how long reviews are sitting in the queue without
> being touched.
> What are everyone's feelings on adding a 1 spec review per week
> requirement for cores?
> Not surprisingly, I'm +1 for it  :)
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