On 07/23/2014 05:39 PM, James E. Blair wrote:
> ==Final thoughts==
> The current rate of test failures and subsequent rechecks is not
> sustainable in the long term.  It's not good for contributors,
> reveiewers, or the overall project quality.  While these bugs do need to
> be addressed, it's unlikely that the current process will cause that to
> happen.  Instead, we want to push more substantial testing into the
> projects themselves with functional and interface testing, and depend
> less on devstack-gate integration tests to catch all bugs.  This should
> help us catch bugs closer to the source and in an environment where
> debugging is easier.  We also want to reduce the scope of devstack gate
> tests to a gold standard while running tests of other configurations in
> a traditional CI process so that people interested in those
> configurations can focus on ensuring they work.

Very nice writeup.  I think these steps sound like a positive way forward.


Russell Bryant

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