There is going to be a mad rush to get many things into Neutron for Juno
here in the last few weeks.  Neutron is overly saturated with code
reviews.  So I'd like to list out some of the things LBaaS had planned
for Juno, what the status each of those are, and my thoughts on the
feasibility of actually getting it into Juno.  I'm just trying to have
realistic expectations.  Please share any items I missed and any
thoughts you have.  Kyle, if you have anything to add, I'd really love
to hear that.  Even if its just agreeing.

1. Code for LBaaS V2 API with reference implementation

This is the most important piece and it should definitely get in.  The
problem is that there is a TON of code for it which will likely push
other things we really want out of Juno.  This is the top priority, and
I'm sure everyone will agree.  Kyle, since the entire code review chain
is up, with reference implementation, do you think you and other core
reviewers can take a good look at it?

2. CLI for LBaaS V2 API

Craig Tracey has been working on this and I believe he is on track to
get this in Juno.  Let me know if you feel otherwise Craig.

3. Docs for LBaaS V2 API

Min, I see you got the docs accepted into api-sites:

That's great! I do have some concerns, though, because I see some
discrepancies with that and the google doc we have that has been updated
to be exactly (or nearly) of what the API expects.  Google doc is here:

Min, if we could get the api-sites updated for Juno that would be great.
Oh and send us a link to the review so we can all look it over :).

4. Tempest tests for LBaaS V2 API

Miguel is currently working on these.  Miguel do you expect these to be
done in time?

5. Shim layers for V2 API to V1 drivers

This one I don't see landing in Juno.  I just think there is too much
code going in for LBaaS that has a higher priority for this to make it
in.  Plus, it really hasn't been worked on in a while.  This is just my
opinion, though.  Hopefully, we won't need this for Kilo.

6. Horizon - LBaaS V2 API

This I do not see happening for Juno.  It could happen but I don't know
of anyone who has even talked about doing this.  I'm reluctantly okay
with it not making it into Juno because V2 API will kind of be in a beta
state in my opinion since there won't be very much driver support,
especially without a shim layer.  I suggest this goes in Kilo. I know
some won't like this though (I'm looking at you doug).

7. Devstack for LBaaS V2 API

The only changes devstack would need for this piece is to just change
the config.  However, I have not worked on this piece myself and didn't
think of it as a high priority for Juno.  If someone has or wants to
tackle that, please let us know.  Otherwise, move it to Kilo.

8. HAProxy Agent driver

Since we decided to go with a simpler agentless driver that only runs on
the API node and is not scalable at all, the agent driver part still
needs to be completed.  I definitely don't see this going into Juno
because other higher priorities should get in first.  I suggest this
gets in Kilo.

8. TLS for LBaaS V2 API

Evgeny is doing this one. I think this is a top priority for us and we
all want this in Juno.  It depends on #1 getting in as well.  If #1
doesn't get in, we have bigger issues.  I am hopeful that this will get
in for Juno, as I think it should be our #2 priority Neutron LBaaS.

9. Docs, CLI, Tempest tests, and Devstack for TLS

Evgeny, are these being worked on in tandem?
Devstack is definitely going to require some other changes for use of
haproxy 1.5.

10. L7 for LBaaS V2 API

This is the 3rd priority for Neutron LBaaS in my opinion.  I am not
certain that this will get in Juno.  Can we get updates on this?

I think that about covers it.  Sorry for the long email.  


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