On 08/13/2014 10:22 PM, zhiwei wrote:
Thanks Jay.

The scheduler plugin is not a scheduler filter.

We implemented a scheduler instead of using nova native scheduler.

OK. Any reason why you did this? Without any details on what your scheduler does, it's tough to give advice on how to solve your problems.

One of our scheduler component need to fetch image metadata by image_id(
at this time, there is not instance ).

Why? Again, the request_spec contains all the information you need about the image...


On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 9:29 AM, Jay Pipes <jaypi...@gmail.com
<mailto:jaypi...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On 08/13/2014 08:31 PM, zhiwei wrote:

        Hi all,

        We wrote a nova schedule plugin that need to fetch image metadata by
        image_id, but encountered one thing, we did not have the glance

        Our solution is to configure OpenStack admin user and password to
        nova.conf, as you know this is not good.

        So, I want to ask if there are any other ways to do this?

    You should not have to do a separate fetch of image metadata in a
    scheduler filter (which is what I believe you meant by "plugin" above?).

    The filter object's host_passes() method has a filter_properties
    parameter that contains the request_spec, that in turn contains the
    image, which in turn contains the image "metadata". You can access
    it like so:

      def host_passes(self, host_state, filter_properties):
          request_spec = filter_properties['request___spec']
          image_info = request_spec['image']
          # Certain image attributes are accessed via top-level keys, like
          # size, disk_format, container_format and checksum
          image_size = image_info['size']
          # Other attributes can be accessed in the "properties" collection
          # of key/value pairs
          image_props =  image.get('properties', {})
          for key, value in image_props.items():
              # do something...


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