On Aug 22, 2014 12:48 AM, "Steve Kowalik" <ste...@wedontsleep.org> wrote:
> On 22/08/14 17:35, Chris Jones wrote:
>> Hi
>> When register-nodes blows up, is the error we get from Ironic
sufficiently unique that we can just consume it and move on?

You should get a clear error when attempting to add a port with a
preexisting MAC. However, at this point, a new node has already been
created (this won't fail since it includes no unique info). When catching
the duplicate MAC error, you should delete the just-created node.

>> I'm all for making the API more powerful wrt inspecting the current
setup, but I also like idempotency :)
> If the master nodes list changes, because say you add a second NIC, and
up the amount of RAM for a few of your nodes, we then want to update those
details in the baremetal service, rather than skipping those nodes since
they are already registered.

If you want to update information about a node, you must have that nodes
UUID, whether cached or retrieved on-demand. You can retrieve this by
searching for a port with a known MAC to determine which node is associated
with that port.

You will have a problem updating the existing NIC(s) if you don't cache the
UUID, as MAC address is currently the only other uniquely identifying data
point for a node.

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