Well, event types are supposed to be different depending on what we want.. I 
just like the idea of using actions because corresponds to spirit of Mistral :) 
Btw, zaqar can be easily supported in a form of action (again, to be consistent 
with what we do in the system).

Renat Akhmerov
@ Mirantis Inc.

On 17 Sep 2014, at 17:07, Angus Salkeld <asalk...@mirantis.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 4:25 AM, Renat Akhmerov <rakhme...@mirantis.com> 
> wrote:
> Ok, here is what I think...
> I totally support the first option for its easiness in terms of understanding 
> how it all should work (no need to figure out if some additional objects must 
> be deleted if a workflow has been removed etc. etc.). We actually have two 
> BPS [0] and [1] where the idea was similar to your option #2. But I admit 
> that they’ve been around for a while and I think are obsolete (even though 
> having eventually the same goal of notifying the outside world about 
> executions/tasks events).
> The only thing I would like to suggest is how we define a callback (keeping 
> in mind it should be a valid JSON in reality):
> POST /executions
>     workflow_name=flow
>     callbacks=[{
>         events: [[on-task-complete, on-execution-complete]
>       action: std.http url=‘http://foo.bar.com' method=POST headers=‘{}' ##
>     },
>    {# another callback}
>    ]
> and/or
> POST /executions
>     workflow_name=flow
>     callbacks=[{
>         events: [[on-task-complete, on-execution-complete]
>       action: std.http
>       parameters: {
>               url: http://foo.bar.com,
>               method: POST
>               headers: {
>                       # Whatever headers we need.
>               } 
>       }
>     },
>    {# another callback} 
>    ]
> In other word we can trivially generalise this so that:
> we can use not only webhooks but any action accessible in Mistral (e.g. it 
> may be other transport)
> it is consistent with our DSL
> We might even want to allow “workflow” as well as “action” but not sure if we 
> need to get that far for now.
> Thoughts?
> [0] 
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/mistral/+spec/mistral-event-listeners-amqp
> [1] 
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/mistral/+spec/mistral-event-listeners-http
> Renat Akhmerov
> @ Mirantis Inc.
> On 17 Sep 2014, at 10:36, Dmitri Zimine <dzim...@stackstorm.com> wrote:
>> Use case: 
>> The client software fires the workflow execution and needs to be know when 
>> the workflow is complete. There is no good pool strategy as workflow can 
>> take arbitrary time from ms to days. Callback notification is needed. 
>> Solution is a webhook
> I think another good solution is a zaqar queue/inbox. To me this is even 
> better as you can send updates on
> each task that runs not just the whole workbook. This provides much better 
> feedback to the user.
> (we are looking at something like this in Heat).
> in this case you just need the name of the queue/inbox.
> -Angus
>> Option 1: pass callback URL as part of starting workflow execution:
>> POST /executions
>>     workflow_name=flow
>>     callback= {
>>         events: [[on-task-complete, on-execution-complete]
>>         url: http://bla.com
>>         method:POST
>>         headers: {}
>>         … other stuff to form proper HTTP call, like API tokens, etc ...
>>     }
>>     …..
>> Option 2: webhook endpoint
>> Mistral exposes /webhook controller 
>> Client creates a webhook and receives events for all executions for selected 
>> workflows. 
>> {  
>>   "name": "web",
>>   "active": true,
>>   "events": [  ]
>>   “workflows”: [wf1, wf2] 
>>   "url": "http://example.com/webhook";,  
>> }
>> Opinions: 
>> DZ: my opinion: 
>> Option 1 for it is simple and convenient for a client. 
>> It seems like an optimal solution for “tracking executions and tasks” use 
>> case.
>> Option 2 is an overkill: makes it harder for a client (post workflow, post 
>> webhook, post execution, delete workflow, delete webhook) introduces 
>> lifecycle management problems (e.g., workflow deleted -> webhook orphaned).
>> I vaguely recall someone from Heat compared these options and regretted one 
>> of them for security reasons, but can’t remember details.
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