Hello everyone,

I want to raise concerns about progress bar, and its usability.
In my opinion current approach has several downsides:
1. No valuable information
2. Very fragile, you need to change code in several places not to break it
3. Will not work with plugable code

Log parsing works under one basic assumption - that we are in control of
all tasks,
so we can use mappings to logs with certain pattern.
 It wont work with plugable architecture, and i am talking not about
fuel-plugins, and the
way it will be done in 6.0, but the whole idea of plugable architecture,
and i assume that internal features will be implemented as granular
self-contained plugins,
and it will be possible to accomplish not only with puppet, but with any
other tool that suits you.
Asking person who will provide plugin (extension) to add mappings to logs -
feels like weirdeist thing ever.

*What can be done to improve usability of progress calculation?*
I see here several requirements:
1.Provide valuable information
  - Correct representation of time that task takes to run
  - What is going on target node in any point of the deployment?
2. Plugin friendly, it means that approach we will take should be flexible
and extendable

In nearest future deployment will be splitted into tasks, they are will be
big, not granular
(like deploy controller, deploy compute), but this does not matter, because
we can start to estimate them.
Each task will provide estimated time.
At first it will be manually setted by person who develops plugin (tasks),
but it can be improved,
so this information automatically (or semi-auto) will be provided by
fuel-stats application.
It will require orchestrator to report 2 simple entities:
- time delta of the task
- task identity
UI will be able to show percents anyway, but additionally it will show what
is running on target node.

Ofcourse it is not about 6.0, but please take a look, and lets try to agree
on what is right way to solve this task, because log parsing will not work
with data-driven
orchestrator and plugable architecture.
Thank you
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