Several people have asked me what is the deadline for submitting new drivers into Manila. I suspect many of these questions are related to the recent announcements that Cinder is requiring vendors to submit new drivers very early in the release (before milestone 1).

For Manila, there is no requirement to submit drivers early. We will enforce the same deadline for new drivers that we enforce for new features, which is: it must be merged by the Kilo-3 milestone date, unless an explicit exception is granted (exceptions are very rare). Now technically, this means that a submission of a new driver just a few weeks before K-3 could get reviewed and merged before the deadline, but that's only if the driver is flawless the first time or the reviewers provide quick feedback and the author responds immediately.

In reality things never go that smoothly, so here is my message to new driver authors: Do yourself a favor and submit your driver as early as possible. Expect the review process to take several weeks. Expect not to get a Feature Freeze exception. If you're working on a new driver, give us a heads up so we know it's coming and we can work with you to get it in the right shape to merge.

-Ben Swartzlander

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