On Nov 16, 2014, at 9:54 AM, Jeremy Stanley <fu...@yuggoth.org> wrote:

> On 2014-11-16 09:06:02 -0500 (-0500), Doug Hellmann wrote:
>> So we would pin the client libraries used by the servers and
>> installed globally, but then install the more recent client
>> libraries in a virtualenv and test using those versions?
> That's what I was thinking anyway, yes.
>> I like that.
> Honestly I don't, but it sucks less than the other solutions which
> sprang to mind. Hopefully someone will come along with a more
> elegant suggestion... in the meantime I don't see any obvious
> reasons why it wouldn't work.

Really, it’s a much more accurate test of what we want. We have, as an artifact 
of our test configuration, to install everything on a single box. But what 
we’re trying to test is that a user can install the new clients and talk to an 
old cloud. We don’t expect deployers of old clouds to install new clients — at 
least we shouldn’t, and by pinning the requirements we can make that clear. 
Using the virtualenv for the new clients gives us separation between the “user” 
and “cloud” parts of the test configuration that we don’t have now.

Anyway, if we’re prepared to go along with this I think it’s safe for us to 
stop using alpha version numbers for Oslo libraries as a matter of course. We 
may still opt to do it in cases where we aren’t sure of a new API or feature, 
but we won’t have to do it for every release.


> -- 
> Jeremy Stanley
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