Thank you for the clarification, yes I know about the blueprint/specification, I submitted yet them and the spec is currently under review :)

I noticed there are several steps one has always to do to enable and make a v3 api to work and pass the tests. It would be awesome to have a guideline or something similar that explain these steps, but I didn't find anything in wiki or documentation.

In particular I noticed I had to modify the file nova/nova.egg-info/entry_points.txt to make my v3 api to load, but this file seems not to be under versioning, is this file modified only after the changes are merged?

On 11/16/14 23:55, Christopher Yeoh wrote:
On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 12:14 AM, Pasquale Porreca < <>> wrote:


    I am working on an api for a new feature in nova, but I am
    wondering what is the correct way to add a new extension: should
    it be supported by v2, v3 or both?

You need now to have at least a v2.1 (formerly known as v3) extension. V2 support if you want but I think once v2.1 is fully merged and tested (which may not be that far away at all) we should freeze v2 and rely just on v2.1 for new features. Otherwise the interaction between v2.1 being exactly equivalent to v2 plus having microversion support for v2.1 will get a bit confusing. As the other Chris mentioned, the first step however is to get a nova-spec submitted which needs to fully describe the API additions that you want to make.




-- Pasquale Porreca

    DEK Technologies
    Via dei Castelli Romani, 22
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Pasquale Porreca

DEK Technologies
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