> On Nov 24, 2014, at 5:20 PM, Michael Still <mi...@stillhq.com> wrote:
> Heya,
> Review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/135644/4 proposes the addition
> of a new database for our improved implementation of cells in Nova.
> However, there's an outstanding question about how to handle soft
> delete of rows -- we believe that we need to soft delete for forensic
> purposes.

Everytime I talk to people about the soft delete thing, I hear the usual 
refrain “we thought we needed it, but we didn’t and now it’s just overbuilt 
cruft we want to get rid of”.

Not saying you don’t have a need here but you definitely have this need, not 
just following the herd right?   Soft delete makes things a lot less convenient.

> This is a new database, so its our big chance to get this right. So,
> ideas welcome...
> Some initial proposals:
> - we do what we do in the current nova database -- we have a deleted
> column, and we set it to true when we delete the instance.
> - we have shadow tables and we move delete rows to a shadow table.

Both approaches are viable, but as the soft-delete column is widespread, it 
would be thorny for this new app to use some totally different scheme, unless 
the notion is that all schemes should move to the audit table approach (which I 
wouldn’t mind, but it would be a big job).    FTR, the audit table approach is 
usually what I prefer for greenfield development, if all that’s needed is 
forensic capabilities at the database inspection level, and not as much active 
GUI-based “deleted” flags.   That is, if you really don’t need to query the 
history tables very often except when debugging an issue offline.  The reason 
its preferable is because those rows are still “deleted” from your main table, 
and they don’t get in the way of querying.   But if you need to refer to these 
history rows in context of the application, that means you need to get them 
mapped in such a way that they behave like the primary rows, which overall is a 
more difficult approach than just using the soft delete column.

That said, I have a lot of plans to send improvements down the way of the 
existing approach of “soft delete column” into projects, from the querying POV, 
so that criteria to filter out soft delete can be done in a much more robust 
fashion (see 
   But this is still more complex and less performant than if the rows are just 
gone totally, off in a history table somewhere (again, provided you really 
don’t need to look at those history rows in an application context, otherwise 
it gets all complicated again).

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