
I've tried to sort more than 200 bugs on my team. I've tried several
approaches to this issue and here the solution.

First of all, assigning bugs to teams is great. Totally. Awesome. Let's
keep using it.

Second. I have my own one-more-launchpad-parser:
I have no time to add multithreading to it. So it takes more than 5 hours
do it job. But it 100% suitable for me and works just great. It takes every
single fuel and mos bug, checks every single task for this bug, analyses it
and gives me a CSV report. It notices every single missed triage and fix
action on every single milestone. So I do even know that we have some
unfinished backports on 4.x branches. It shows every tag, every bug
creation date and bug update date (in dev version). I'm looking forward to
see this functions in our web tool. Because it is bad to have several tools
for one task.

Third. Our 'nailgun' and 'ui' tags are useless. Almost each bug can be
applied to some component or to some feature. So I've introduced a lot of
feature-* and module-* tags for my team and we will evaluate them. You can
find all new tags later in this email.

Fourth. We do have low-hanging-fruit
<> tag and
it is great. I've also added tech-debt
<> tag in order to
group bugs that are not related to the user experience or functionality.
And I've added feature
<> tag for
complicated request that required to be properly designed. Some of them not
even close to be real bugs. But almost every request talks about users
pain. So it is rude to close them. That's why we have:

Sixth. 'next <>' milestone. Bugs
in this milestone cannot be fixed with our bugfixing process. We do need
proper prioritization for them in our backlog.

Our feature and module tags with amount of bugs per each tag.

 feature-advanced-networking 2
 feature-bonding 3
 feature-client 1
 feature-deadlocks 1
 feature-demo-site 2
 feature-hardware-change 5
 feature-image-based 13
 feature-logging 4
 feature-mongo 2
 feature-multi-l2 3
 feature-native-provisioning 6
 feature-plugins 5
 feature-progress-bar 2
 feature-redeployment 4
 feature-remote-repos 2
 feature-reset-env 5
 feature-security 3
 feature-simple-mode 1
 feature-stats 9
 feature-stop-deployment 3
 feature-upgrade 8
 feature-validation 9
 module-amqp 1
 module-build 2
 module-client 13
 module-fuelmenu 1
 module-master-node-installation 2
 module-nailgun 1
 module-nailgun-agent 1
 module-netcheck 11
 module-networks 8
 module-ostf 19
 module-serialization 4
 module-shotgun 16
 module-tasks 13
 module-volumes 8

I'm going to add this tags in our triaging process. And assign owner for
each tag.
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