It appears to me that option 1 would be better prepared to be extensible ... 
That is if a plugin needed to add an action or a column, we could make that 
happen with pattern 1 (possibly after adding in a service) I'm not sure how 
plugins ever add these things with pattern 2. 

> On Aug 20, 2015, at 1:41 PM, "Thai Q Tran" <> wrote:
> Hi Lin,
> Let me draw on some examples to help clarify what I mean.
> Option 1:
> table.controller.js
> --------------------
> ctrl.headers = {
>   gettext('column 1'),
>   gettext('column 2')
> };
> ctrl.noItemMessage = gettext('You no longer have any items in your table. You 
> either lack the sufficient priveledges or your search criteria is not valid');
> ctrl.batchActionList = [
>   { name: 'create', onclick: somefunction, etc.... }
>   { name: 'delete', onclick: somefunction, etc.... }
> ];
> ctrl.rowActionList = [
>   { name: 'edit', onclick: somefunction, etc.... }
>   { name: 'delete', onclick: somefunction, etc.... }
> ];
> table.html
> -----------
> <div ng-controller="table.controller.js as ctrl">
>   <horizon-table
>     headers="ctrl.headers"
>     batch-actions="ctrl.batchActionList"
>     row-actions="ctrl.rowActionList">
>   </horizon-table>
> </div>
> So now your controller is polluted with presentation and translation logic. 
> In addition, we will have to live with long gettext messages and add eslint 
> ignore rules just to pass it. The flip side is that you do have a simple 
> directive that points to a common template sitting somewhere. It is not that 
> much "easier" to the example below. What we're really doing is defining the 
> same presentation logic, but in the HTML instead. Lastly, I'll bring up the 
> customization again because many products are going to want to customize 
> their tables. They maybe the minority but that doesn't mean we shouldn't 
> support them.
> Option 2:
> table.html
> ------------
> <table ng-controller="table.controller.js as ctrl">
> <thead>
>   <tr>
>     <action-list>
>       <action callback="someFunc" translate>Create</action>
>       <action callback="someFunc" translate>Delete</action>
>     </action-list>
>   </tr>
>   <tr>
>     <th translate>Column 1</th>
>     <th translate>Column 2</th>
>   </tr>
> </thead>
> <tbody>
>   <tr ng-repeat="items in ctrl.items">
>     <td>....</td>
>     <td><action-list>
>       <action callback="someFunc" translate>Edit</action>
>       <action callback="someFunc" translate>Delete</action>
>     </action-list></td>
>   </tr>
> </tbody>
> </table>
> Here, your table.controller.js worries ONLY about data and data manipulation. 
> The presentation logic all resides in the HTML. If I want to add icons in the 
> table header, I can do that easily. Remember that this is plain HTML, this is 
> a lot easier for someone new to come in and learn this than our special 
> horizon-table directive. It is definitely easier to USE, but I would argue 
> that it is harder to learn.
> --------------
> If you compare the two options above, you'll see that all we've really done 
> is move presentation logic from the controller into the HTML. You have to 
> define that logic somewhere, why not in the HTML? This makes it easier to 
> read and know what you're going to see in the browser (something HTML5 spec 
> is evangelizing), and you get the bonus benefit of customization.
> I'd like to point out that we aren't getting rid of directives, we're still 
> using directives them (like <action-list>, <action>, <magic-search>, etc..) 
> in our tables. The pattern is, you build your panels using smaller components 
> instead of having one giant component that encapsulates everything. Of 
> course, there isn't a right or wrong answer, in fact there are two very 
> different implementations of a table directive out there right now:
> (more inline with option 1)
> (more inline with option 2)
> Basically, what I'm trying to say is: let's build something simple and easy 
> to understand first (small components that we work), then we can build 
> something more complex on top of it so that it easier to use. I don't think 
> there is a right or wrong answer, just two very different ways of thinking 
> and implementation. But if we start with smaller components first, we get the 
> goods of both world. The guys that want to customize will have a way to do it 
> by bypassing the horizon-table directive, and the guys that just want a 
> simple table can use the more complex directive.
> -----Lin Hua Cheng <> wrote: -----
> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" 
> <>
> From: Lin Hua Cheng <>
> Date: 08/19/2015 05:15PM
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Horizon] Update on Angular Identity work
> Hi Thai,
> Thanks for investigating the two options.
> Option 2 might be better. Folks have to learn the new pattern of writing 
> multiple files, so I think the learning curve for a new table directive is 
> not that much of a difference.
> I think option 2 is going to be easier to maintain, since we have a layer of 
> abstraction. It might even also increase adoptability since it would be 
> easier to use.  It might be harder to customize, but that would probably not 
> be done often.  The table directive would be used as is most of the time. 
> My thought is design the code to be easy to use for the use case that will be 
> used most of the time rather than the customization case  which maybe harder 
> to do. Which leads me to preferring option 2.
> Thanks,
> Lin
>> On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 12:16 PM, Thai Q Tran <> wrote:
>> Hi Lin,
>> I agree with you and Eric that we have a lot of HTML fragments. Some of them 
>> I think make sense as directives:
>> The table footer is a good example of something we can convert into a 
>> directive:
>> The table header on the other hand is something more specific to your table: 
>> So there are two approaches we can take here:
>> 1. Keep some of the presentation related data in the HTML: mainly things 
>> like table headers, column definitions, translated texts, etc... I like this 
>> approach a bit more because it allow us to read the HTML and know exactly 
>> what we are expecting to see. This table.html is compose of smaller 
>> directives like hz-table-footer and regular html tags like <th> and <td> 
>> etc... I think as we have more of these smaller directives available, we can 
>> combine the fragments into one file.
>> 2. We could create a more general table directive with a common template. 
>> This is more inline with what we have currently for legacy. BUT the 
>> presentation logic like translations, definitions would now have to reside 
>> in the table controller AND we lose the semantic readability part. Doing it 
>> this way could potentially introduce more complexity as it now requires 
>> people to learn the table directive, which could be very complex if it does 
>> not use smaller directives. Another common problem we encountered with this 
>> pattern was a lack of customization. In legacy, it was pretty hard to add an 
>> icon into a table cell. If we go down this route, I believe we might start 
>> to encounter the same issues.
>> In summary, we are working on addressing the HTML fragments, but I think we 
>> as a community should go with option 1 and stay away from option 2.
>> -----Lin Hua Cheng <> wrote: -----
>> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" 
>> <>
>> From: Lin Hua Cheng <>
>> Date: 08/18/2015 02:36PM
>> Cc: Vince Brunssen/Austin/IBM@IBMUS
>> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Horizon] Update on Angular Identity work
>> I think the table setup pattern have some opportunity for reducing code 
>> duplication before it gets re-used by other panels..  
>> We used to just need to write one file to define a table, now we have to 
>> write 9 files [1].  Can we have a table directive to reduce the duplicated 
>> code before moving forward to other panels?
>> -Lin
>> [1] 
>>> On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 11:49 AM, Thai Q Tran <> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> Just wanted to keep everyone up to date on the angular panels work. The 
>>> goal was to set a pattern that others can follow, to that end, there were a 
>>> few requirements:
>>> 1. reusable and possibly pluggable
>>> 2. easy to understand
>>> 3. reduce code duplication
>>> These requirements don't always go hand-in-hand, and that is the primary 
>>> reason why it is taking a bit longer. I believe we are nearing the end of 
>>> it, here are some items remaining that I believe is crucial to finishing up 
>>> this work.
>>> a. i18n was completed, so we need help moving gettext blobs to HTML 
>>> templates (example patch: ) 
>>> volunteers are welcomed! We want others to use the translate directive as 
>>> the main way to translate text blobs, this was why we went down this road 
>>> using babel and angular_extractor plugin.
>>> b. transfer table supports clone feature ( 
>>> ). There were a lot of template 
>>> duplications, this clone feature reduces the HTML by a considerable amount. 
>>> Since this is something we use quite often, it made sense to invest time 
>>> into improving it. We have had complaints that there was too much HTML 
>>> fragments, this will address a bit of that. One of the challenge was to get 
>>> it working with existing launch-instance, so I spent about 2 weeks making 
>>> sure it worked well with the old code while allowing the new clone feature.
>>> c. I believe we have a pretty good pattern setup for tables. The final 
>>> piece of the puzzle was the patterns for various actions. We have wizard 
>>> (create user), form (edit user), confirmation dialog (delete user), and 
>>> actions with no modal dialog (enable user). We wanted a general pattern 
>>> that would address the requirements mentioned above. There were some 
>>> discussions around extensibility at the midcycle that I think will fit well 
>>> here as well ( 
>>> ). 
>>> The actions can follow a similar pattern to workflow. I believe this 
>>> pattern would address #1 and #3 but making it easy to understand is a bit 
>>> challenging - I think this is where documentation could help. 
>>> and a few other patches are going 
>>> to be ready for review soon (sometime end of this week)! Item #c is the 
>>> most important piece, it is going to be the general pattern that people 
>>> will use to build their angular panels with, so the more eyes we can get on 
>>> it, the better. My aim is to get it in before the feature freeze and I 
>>> think that is entirely possible with your help. So please help review even 
>>> if you are not a core!
>>> Thanks
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