Thank you Morgan for your outstanding leadership, tremendous effort, and
your dedication to OpenStack and Keystone in particular.   It has been an
absolute pleasure getting to work with you these past few years.  And  I am
looking forward to working with you in your new role!!!


Brad Topol, Ph.D.
IBM Distinguished Engineer
(919) 543-0646
Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680

From:   Morgan Fainberg <>
To:     "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
Date:   09/10/2015 05:44 PM
Subject:        [openstack-dev] [keystone] PTL non-candidacy

As I outlined (briefly) in my recent announcement of changes (
 ) I will not be running for PTL of Keystone this next cycle (Mitaka). The
role of PTL is a difficult but extremely rewarding job. It has been amazing
to see both Keystone and OpenStack grow.

I am very pleased with the accomplishments of the Keystone development team
over the last year. We have seen improvements with Federation,
Keystone-to-Keystone Federation, Fernet Tokens, improvements of testing,
releasing a dedicated authentication library, cross-project initiatives
around improving the Service Catalog, and much, much more. I want to thank
each and every contributor for the hard work that was put into Keystone and
its associated projects.

While I will be changing my focus to spend more time on the general needs
of OpenStack and working on the Public Cloud story, I am confident in those
who can, and will, step up to the challenges of leading development of
Keystone and the associated projects. I may be working across more
projects, but you can be assured I will be continuing to work hard to see
the initiatives I helped start through. I wish the best of luck to the next

I guess this is where I get to write a lot more code soon!

See you all (in person) in Tokyo!
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